
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Groovy Tye Dye Cupcakes

Pure brilliance or utter genius? 

This was the question I was asking myself as we mixed, spooned, baked and cooled our first-ever batch of tye-dye cupcakes! 

Last year, Lizzie turned 20 and made a list of 20 things to do while 20. In order to help her achieve this mountainous goal, I agreed to assist in the production of tye-dye cupcakes, which was number 8 on the list. We gathered all of our ingredients (most importantly, the neon food coloring) and trekked down College Ave to our friend's apartment to bake. 

Sarah and Lizzie being mad baking scientists!

My friend Tawny was in town (visiting from Florida) and was happy to join us on our cupcake-making adventure. 

Sarah and Tawny

We agreed to use the Funfetti cake mix (compliments of Pilsbury....love that little dough boy!) as the core of the cupcake and add the food coloring for the tye-dye effect.

We had to separate the batter into four dishes in order to make this magnificent creation. 

Although we dirtied up a few more dishes than norm, we were surprised by the colorful creations that came out of the oven twenty minutes later!

At first, we did not know what to call these mini masterpeices, but our friend found precisely the right words: "Unicorn Poop". 

Tye-dye cupcakes are one of the easiest ways to break out of your normal cupcake routine. Simply divide your cupcake batter into 4 parts, mix in the food coloring, and scoop different amounts into each cupcake wrapper. Then follow the box decorations to bake.

Bon apeteit!
Sarah & Lizzie

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lizzie's Cupcake Costume

 Hello Friends!

The wait is over! After a much needed hiatus from blogging to deal with finals, we have returned! And now we must catch you up on all our recent (and some not so recent :/) cupcake adventures!

As promised, I was a cupcake for Halloween:

This is the glorious cupcake costume! I made it with paper, blanket stuffing, and pom poms.
There were 100 pom pom sprinkles on my costume! (Many thanks to LG and ML!)

I used a cupcake decorated gift-bag as my purse and it would have been my candy bag had we gone trick or treating.

It was so much fun to dress up as a cupcake! Most people recognized what I was right off the bat which is generally a sign of good costuming. :) I think next year I'll dress up as a zombie cupcake! 

More cupcake shenanigans to come!